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(I stopped updating this list in 2017.
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December 19, 2017

"Translationscapes: On the Legibility of Transnational Ideologies in World Literary Systems" Comparative Literature Studies Vol. 54, No. 4, Special Issue: Cross-Cultural Reading (2017), pp. 749-770

Examination of the field of world literature through the lens of translation. Suggests as analytic method the notion of "translationscapes," a basis for the comparison of sets of literature as translated into various languages.

July 02, 2017

"Heisei Murasaki: What Women Poets Have Found during Japan’s Lost Decades"

Introduction of five women poets from Japan who debuted in the Heisei era (1989 ~ ) along with translations of their poetry, published in U.S.-Japan Women's Journal.

June 18, 2017

“Of Phenomeno/graphy of Poetry of Tokyo”

Creative non-fiction on poetry of Tokyo and the Tokyo of poetry, combining phenomenology and ethnography, published in Cha: An Asian Literary Journal

January 12, 2016

Of Words and Worlds: Toward a Critical Reportage-Translation with Yoshimasu Gōzō and Patrick Chamoiseau

Essay/reportage introducing a translation of Yoshimasu Gozo's "Mo Chuisle"; published in Annales de littérature comparée / 比較文学年志. Vol. 52 (2016), pp. 1-16, and in The Quint.

December 09, 2014

"Translating (as) Excess Toward Communitas in the Hermeneutics of a Saturated Phenomenon"

Examination of the phenomenological assumptions underpinning much of translation criticism; suggests a new hermenutic mode for engaging with translation of texts as saturated phenomena; published in The Comparatist (2014).

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