University Courses Taught:
Tezuka Osamu and the Origins of Anime/Manga
Post-WWII Japanese Literature & Culture
Spirits and Spirituality in Japanese Film
Washoku / Japanese Food Culture
Science Fiction in Japanese Film & Anime
Digital Literature: Multimedia Art, Narrative, and Culture
Who’s There? Questions of the Other (Enlightenment to the Present)
Narrating Politics: Genesis, Apocalypse, Utopia in the Nuclear Age
Exoticism and the Ideology of Aesthetics
Discursive Foundations of City and Society
Sex, God, Politics in the Global “Middle Ages”
Transnationalism and Migration in Contemporary Lit.
Graduate Seminar: Teaching Assistant Pedagogy/Training
Interdisciplinary Academic Writing (Advanced)
Transnational Cinema and Cultural Studies
Transnationalism in the Americas
Internationalizing Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies Approaches to Self and Society
Heisei Literature and Post-Bubble Japan
Cultural Responses to Crisis in Modern Japan: Pacific War to 2011
Japanese Literature, Manga, Anime
Japanese Civilization
Consuming Japan: Alienation/Revolution/Salvation
Urban Culture in East Asia
Waseda University
Global Science Fiction
Research Fundamentals
Contemporary Japanese Literature
Sophia University
Cultural Responses to Crisis in Modern Japan
Comedy and Humor Theory in Japanese Literature
Modern to Contemporary Japanese Poetry
Josai International University
Academic Research Methods (Graduate Seminar)
Branding Strategy (Graduate Seminar)
Japanese-English Literary Translation (Graduate Seminar)
Fundamentals of Japanese Literature for Translation (翻訳のための日本文学概論) (Graduate Seminar)
喜劇とユーモア論 (Comedy and Humor Theory) (Graduate Seminar)
東アジアのコメディー映像 (Comedy Film in East Asia) (Graduate Seminar; taught in Japanese)
Japanese-English Interpretation (Graduate Seminar)
Start-up Culture in Japan (Graduate Seminar)
Japanese Literature (Year-long course: Sem. 1: Modern; Sem. 2: Classical)
Japanese Animation
Japanese Art and Literature
Japan and Asia
Japan from International Perspectives
世界の中の日本 (Japan in the World; taught in Japanese)
Modern Japanese History
世界文学と翻訳 (World Literature and Translation Studies; taught in Japanese)
California State University, Long Beach
Transnation / Translation (Graduate Seminar)
East Asian Modernizations and Eco-cultures (Graduate Seminar)
Modernizing World Mythologies (Graduate Seminar)
Comic Spirit
Literature and Music
Reading the World
Study Abroad: Novel and Film in Society (Japan)
Roger Williams University
East Asian Modernities
Introduction to World Literature
Literature and Philosophy
Advanced Literary Theory
Study Abroad: Japanese Literature and Culture (2012)
Study Abroad: Image+Myth+Narrative in Modern Japan (2013)
University of California, Riverside
Love and Death in Modern Japanese Literature
Music and Visual Culture in Modern Japanese Society
History of Japanese Popular Culture
Advanced Readings in Japanese Literature (4th Year)
Intermediate Japanese (3rd Year)
Pepperdine University
Modern Japanese History
Modern Japanese Literature
Sources of Asian Cultural Tradition
Japanese and Asian Film
Great Books of East Asia
Korea University
English for Computational Linguistics
English as a Foreign Language
Josai International Univ (2014 - 2022)
Assoc Prof of International Humanities
California State Univ, Long Beach 2012-2014
Asst Prof of Comparative World Lit
Roger Williams Univ, 2011-2012
Asst Prof of World Literature
Visiting Positions:
UCLA 2010-2024
Asian Languages & Cultures; Comparative Literature
Sophia University (Tokyo) 2017~
Faculty of Liberal Arts
Waseda University 2019-2020
Japanese Cultures Program
UC Riverside 2008-2009
Japanese Literature & Language
Pepperdine Univ 2007-2008
Japanese and Asian Studies
Korea University 2000-2001
English as a Foreign Language
Teaching Awards:
CSU Long Beach – College of Liberal Arts Student Council Faculty Award 2011
California State Univ., Long Beach – Most Inspirational Faculty Award 2010
UCLA, Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award 2008
